What is ARR?

Metrics are a fundamental tool for any business. The right metrics allow owners to track various business processes and understand whether they are progressing toward company objectives. We could even go so far as to say that metrics form the framework for success.  One of the most crucial metrics for SaaS companies is ARR, which […]

How to Choose the Best Online Business Broker + 7 Recommended Brokers

You’ve spent countless hours chained to your computer, tablet, and phone hustling your online business into a steady profit-maker. Now you want out.  Maybe it’s to start a new online venture, delve into brick-and-mortar, or retire. Whatever the reason, there will likely come a day when you’re ready to sell. To do so, you might […]

What is Monthly Recurring Revenue?

Monthly recurring revenue is the lifeblood of a SaaS company. It’s what makes it possible for startups to grow and mature into long-term success stories. What Is MRR? Simply put, it’s the amount of recurring revenue your customers pay you each month. Monthly recurring revenue, also abbreviated as MRR, is a metric that tracks and […]