Empire Flippers Review {2024}
Omer Lewinsohn

Omer Lewinsohn

Founder Of Estrategy Brokers

In the modern era of digital entrepreneurship, buying and selling online businesses has become a popular avenue for investment. As this market grows, reliable platforms that facilitate these transactions are in high demand. One such platform that has garnered substantial attention is Empire Flippers. This digital marketplace has carved a niche for itself by making the process of buying and selling online businesses streamlined, transparent, and secure. In this comprehensive review, we will explore Empire Flippers from the perspective of both buyers and sellers.

What Can You Buy or Sell on EF?

As you consider using Empire Flippers, it may be helpful to understand some specific aspects of buying and selling on the platform. Here are some additional topics that may be of interest:

Ecommerce on Empire Flippers

Ecommerce businesses are a popular category on Empire Flippers. Sellers can list their e-commerce platforms, and interested buyers can browse these listings to find potential investment opportunities. Empire Flippers provides comprehensive information about each e-commerce business, including financial data, traffic statistics, and operational details.

FBA on Empire Flippers

Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) businesses are another common type of listing on Empire Flippers. These businesses utilize Amazon’s fulfillment services to manage their inventory and shipping processes. Empire Flippers provides detailed information about each FBA business, making it easier for potential buyers to evaluate these listings.

Content Websites on Empire Flippers

Content websites, such as blogs or news sites, are also frequently listed on Empire Flippers. These businesses typically generate revenue through advertising, sponsored content, or affiliate marketing. Empire Flippers provides in-depth information about each content website, including its traffic sources, income streams, and growth potential.

SaaS on Empire Flippers

Software as a Service (SaaS) businesses are a growing category on Empire Flippers. These businesses offer software solutions on a subscription basis, providing a steady stream of recurring revenue. Empire Flippers provides comprehensive information about each SaaS business, including its customer base, revenue streams, and growth prospects.

For Sellers

Platform Overview and Listing Process

As a seller, the first step towards monetizing your online business is to create a listing and sell it on empire flippers marketplace. Empire Flippers offers an essential platform for sellers to list their online businesses for sale. The process involves creating an account, undergoing a thorough due diligence process, receiving a valuation for your business, and creating an appealing listing. The platform’s user-friendly interface and supportive staff make the listing process straightforward.

The appeal of Empire Flippers lies in its extensive buyer network. With thousands of potential buyers browsing the platform, your listing has the potential to reach a global audience. Furthermore, the Empire Flippers team provides guidance throughout the listing process, ensuring that sellers are well-equipped to present their businesses effectively.

Valuation Accuracy and Pricing Strategies

Setting a competitive price for your online business is crucial in attracting potential buyers. Empire Flippers employs a comprehensive valuation process that takes into account various factors such as monthly earnings, traffic, and growth potential. This thorough approach helps sellers obtain a realistic and appealing price for their businesses.

An accurate valuation not only contributes to a fair asking price but also instills confidence in potential buyers. By providing transparent and verified financial data, sellers can justify their asking price and attract serious offers from buyers.

Due Diligence and Transparency

Empire Flippers places a strong emphasis on due diligence and transparency. As part of the listing process, sellers are required to provide detailed information about their business. This includes financial records, traffic data, operational details, and any other relevant information. The Empire Flippers team verifies this information to ensure its accuracy, providing potential buyers with reliable, transparent data.

This rigorous due diligence process helps to build trust with potential buyers. By providing verified and transparent information, sellers can demonstrate the legitimacy and profitability of their business, thereby attracting serious offers.

Listing Visibility and Marketing

Once your business is listed on Empire Flippers, the platform’s marketing strategies ensure that it reaches a wide audience. Empire Flippers promotes its listings through various channels, including email marketing, social media, and strategic partnerships. This multi-faceted approach ensures maximum visibility for your listing and increases the chances of a successful sale.

For Buyers

Finding and Evaluating Listings

For buyers, Empire Flippers offers a diverse range of listings across various industries. The platform’s comprehensive search and filtering options make it easy to find businesses that align with your interests and investment goals. Each listing provides detailed information about the business, including financial data, traffic statistics, and operational details.

Evaluating a potential business purchase involves a careful review of these details. Empire Flippers provides buyers with the necessary tools and resources to conduct this analysis. By providing verified and transparent information, the platform helps buyers make informed decisions about their investments.

Due Diligence Process for Buyers

Just like with sellers, Empire Flippers ensures a thorough due diligence process for buyers. The platform verifies the information provided by sellers, including financial records, traffic data, and operational details. This rigorous verification process helps to safeguard buyers against potential scams or misrepresented listings.

In addition to verifying the information provided by sellers, Empire Flippers encourages buyers to conduct their own due diligence. This involves a careful review of the listing information, as well as independent research into the business’s niche, competition, and growth potential.

Support and Assistance

Buying an online business can be a complex process, especially for first-time buyers. To help navigate this process, Empire Flippers provides ongoing support and assistance to buyers. This includes guidance on evaluating listings, negotiating with sellers, and finalizing the purchase.

Furthermore, Empire Flippers offers various resources to help buyers make informed decisions. These include educational content, market insights, and access to a community of experienced online entrepreneurs.

Services Offered by Empire Flippers

Empire Flippers offers a gamut of services that cater to both buyers and sellers. They specialize in helping people buy and sell a variety of online businesses, including Amazon Associates businesses, affiliate websites, e-commerce businesses, and many more. For sellers, Empire Flippers offers a business evaluation tool to estimate what a website or business is worth. For buyers, Empire Flippers provides a marketplace with a wide range of listings to choose from, depending on their budget and interests.

Alongside buying and selling, Empire Flippers also offers a ‘Done-For-You’ service. This means they handle all account migrations between the seller and buyer, ensuring a smooth transition and that income is being received by the buyer.

Advantages of Working with Empire Flippers

There are several benefits of choosing Empire Flippers as your platform for buying or selling online businesses. Here are some notable ones:

Vetted Websites

Empire Flippers have a strict vetting process that every business must go through before being listed on their marketplace. They inspect all aspects of the website or business, verify site ownership, traffic, earnings, and all other assets. This intensive check ensures that the buyer is purchasing a quality asset.

Secure Buyer Verification

To gain access to the full listing data for a website, buyers are required to provide proof of funds available to purchase the website. This prevents businesses from becoming overexposed by non-serious buyers, protecting the buyer from people looking to copy the website or enter the niche as new competition.

High Level of Service

Empire Flippers aim to make the buying and selling process easy. They handle many aspects of the process such as calculating the valuation, preparing a profit and loss statement (P&L), mediating conference calls, providing legal documentation, handling escrow, and migrating the website and included assets.

Income Guarantee

Empire Flippers offers a guarantee that the website will earn at least 50% of the stated daily revenue during the first 14 days or the sale can be canceled or renegotiated. This protects buyers from scams or businesses that were not reported accurately.

Empire Flippers Capital for Investment

For accredited investors looking for hands-off website investing, Empire Flippers Capital offers investment in a portfolio of websites managed by a seasoned portfolio manager. Investors receive quarterly distributions.

Drawbacks of Choosing Empire Flippers

While Empire Flippers offers many advantages, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider:

High-Priced Websites

The average sale price on Empire Flippers is relatively high, making most deals out of the price range of some investors, especially new website investors.

High Sales Multiples

Websites listed on Empire Flippers have high multiples, which means buyers will be paying a premium compared to an open marketplace like Flippa.

Professional Sellers

Sellers on Empire Flippers tend to be experienced operators and investors who have already implemented many of the easy wins. This could limit growth opportunities for buyers.

High Sales Commissions

Empire Flippers charge a selling commission of 15%, which could inflate the price for buyers.

Success Stories and Testimonials

Seller Success Stories

Empire Flippers boasts numerous success stories from sellers who have successfully sold their online businesses through the platform. These real-life examples provide valuable insights into the selling process and the potential outcomes.

Buyer Success Stories

Similarly, Empire Flippers showcases success stories from buyers who have acquired profitable businesses through the platform. These stories highlight the potential for growth and profitability when buying an online business through Empire Flippers.

Platform Fees and Payment Structure

Selling or buying a business on Empire Flippers involves certain fees. These include a listing fee for sellers and a commission fee based on the final sale price. While these fees may seem substantial, they are justified by the value and services provided by the platform.

For sellers, Empire Flippers offers a comprehensive platform for listing their business, coupled with marketing support and access to a large pool of potential buyers. For buyers, the platform provides verified and transparent listing information, as well as support throughout the buying process.

PlatformListing FeeSelling Commission
Empire Flippers$0 – $2975% – 15%
Flippa$15 – $4910% – 15%
FE InternationalVariesVaries
Quiet Light BrokerVariesVaries
Website ClosersVariesVaries

Important tips for using Empire Flippers

Here are a few tips to make your experience with Empire Flippers more valuable:

  1. Be clear about the niche you’re interested in, but keep an open mind to other potentially profitable niches.
  2. Be ready with your funds to wire quickly or have Empire Flippers hold a large chunk of your funds in their escrow account, so you could simply release the funds with an email.
  3. Be online on Mondays at 7am EST to view new listings since good listings go fast.
  4. Set your Empire Flippers Account and browse the platform regularly. 

Empire Flippers Alternatives

When comparing Empire Flippers to other similar platforms, it’s important to look at several factors. These include the types of websites offered, the sales process, the vetting process, communication methods with sellers, the buying process, and post-sale support.

Empire Flippers stands out for its rigorous vetting process, high level of service, and secure buyer verification. However, they also have higher prices and sales commissions compared to other platforms.

  • Flippa: Known for its user-friendly interface and a wide range of listings, Flippa provides a platform where buyers and sellers can easily connect to explore various online business opportunities.
  • FE International: Specializing in mid-market online business transactions, FE International offers personalized service and in-depth expertise to guide buyers and sellers through complex deals.
  • Quiet Light Broker: With a focus on personalized guidance and a consultative approach, Quiet Light Broker helps clients navigate the intricacies of buying and selling online businesses with a high level of support.
  • Website Closers: This platform stands out for its seasoned team of experts who facilitate the buying and selling of e-commerce businesses, providing comprehensive guidance and ensuring a smooth transition.
  • Digital Exits: With a strong emphasis on professionalism and integrity, Digital Exits assists both buyers and sellers in the acquisition and divestiture of digital assets, aiming to create value-driven transactions.
  • Latona’s: As a marketplace for online businesses, Latona’s showcases a range of listings across various industries, catering to both first-time buyers and experienced investors seeking lucrative opportunities.
  • Exchange Marketplace: Shopify’s dedicated marketplace for buying and selling e-commerce stores, Exchange provides a platform that caters specifically to entrepreneurs looking to enter or exit the world of online retail.

So is Empire Flippers Legit?

EF have made a name for themselves in the world of online business brokerage. They are recognized as a curated marketplace for buying and selling profitable online sites. An Inc. 5000 company, Empire Flippers has a global reach, working with buyers and sellers from all corners of the world and it is a legit company. To date, they’ve facilitated the buying and selling of over $100 million worth of online businesses.

The platform is seen as a trusted medium for people owning profitable websites who are looking for a platform to list and sell their properties. It also caters to website flippers who are interested in purchasing or investing in an already profitable online business. Moreover, Empire Flippers offer a valuable resource for those looking to evaluate their online business’s current value through analytic metrics like monetization method, income, and traffic.

All Services Offered by Empire Flippers

Empire Flippers offers a gamut of services that cater to both buyers and sellers. They specialize in helping people buy and sell a variety of online businesses, including Amazon Associates businesses, affiliate websites, e-commerce businesses, and many more. For sellers, Empire Flippers offers a business evaluation tool to estimate what a website or business is worth. For buyers, Empire Flippers provides a marketplace with a wide range of listings to choose from, depending on their budget and interests.

Alongside buying and selling, Empire Flippers also offers a ‘Done-For-You’ service. This means they handle all account migrations between the seller and buyer, ensuring a smooth transition and that income is being received by the buyer.


In conclusion, Empire Flippers provides a robust and reliable platform for buying and selling online businesses. With its comprehensive listing process, thorough due diligence, and ongoing support, the platform offers significant value to both sellers and buyers. Whether you’re looking to cash in on your successful online business or seeking a profitable investment opportunity, Empire Flippers is a platform worth considering.

For more insights about online businesses, you can check out our articles on ARR here and the best online business brokers here.

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